32 research outputs found

    Recent Multicast Routing Protocols in VANET: Classification and Comparison

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    الشبكة المخصصة للسيارات (VANET) صنفت باعتبارها واحدة من أهم فئات شبكات الجيل التالي التي طورت في السنوات الأخيرة بسرعة بالنسبة للمركبات وعمليات نقل الطرق. هذه الشبكه يمكن أن تساعد في تنفيذ مجموعة كبيرة من التطبيقات المتعلقة بالمركبات، اشارة المرور، ازدحام المرور، السائقين، الركاب، الإسعاف، الشرطة، سيارات الإطفاء وحتى المشاة. التوجيه هو المشكلة الأبرز في نقل المعلومات في الـ VANET وهناك العديد من وسائط النشر: البث الاحادي، البث المتعدد و البحث في منطقه جغرافيه معينه (geocast). في هذه المقاله سوف نركز فقط على الإرسال المتعدد الذي يشير إلى عملية إرسال معلومات من عقدة واحدة (تسمى المركبة المصدر) إلى مجموعة من العقد الموجودة في مواقع مختلفة (تسمى المركبات الهدف). والغرض من هذه المقالة هو دراسة بروتوكولات توجيه الإرسال المتعدد الموجودة في الـ VANET وإنتاج دراسه جيد عنها وتحديد مزايا وعيوب كل منها وكذلك تصنيفها إلى فئات مختلفة استنادا إلى بعض العوامل المؤثرة مثل نوعية الخدمة، مسار المركبة وما إلى ذلك. وبعد تحليل بروتوكولات التوجيه هذه وجدنا أن هناك حاجة ملحة لإنتاج بروتوكول توجيه متعدد الإرسال فعال لهذه الشبكة لتقليل استهلاك الموارد وتحسين الأداء العام.Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) classified as one of the most important classes of next generation networks that developed in recent years rapidly for vehicles and road transmissions. It can help in implementing a large set of applications related to vehicles, traffic light, traffic jam, drivers, passengers, ambulance, police, fire trucks and even pedestrians. Routing is the most prominent problem in the transmission of information in VANETs and there are many modes of dissemination: unicast, broadcast, multicast and geocast. In this paper, we will focus only on the multicast that is referring to a process of sending information from one node (called source vehicle) to a group of nodes that found in different locations (called destination vehicles). The purpose of this paper is to study the existing multicast routing protocols in VANET and produce good survey about them and determine the advantages and disadvantages of each one as well as classify them into different categories based on some effected parameters such as quality of service, vehicle trajectory and etc. After analyzing these routing protocols we concluded that there is persistent need to produce efficient multicast routing protocol in this network to decrease the resource consumption and improve the overall performance

    Improved Routing Protocol in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Using Fuzzy Logic

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    In mobile ad hoc networks, route selection is one of the most important issues that is studied in these networks as a field of research. Many articles trying to provide solutions to choose the best path in which the important parameters such as power consumption, bandwidth and mobility are used. In this article, in order to improve the solutions presented in recent papers parameters such as power remaining, mobility, degree node and available bandwidth are used by taking the factors for each parameter in proportion to its influence in choosing the best path. Finally, we compare the proposed solution with the three protocols IAOMDV-F, AODVFART and FLM-AODV with the help of OPNET simulation program based on network throughput, routing discovery time, the average number of hops per route, network delay

    Optimal UAV Deployment for Data Collection in Deadline-based IoT Applications

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    The deployment of UAVs is one of the key challenges in UAV-based communications while using UAVs for IoT applications. In this article, a new scheme for energy efficient data collection with a deadline time for the Internet of things (IoT) using the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) is presented. We provided a new data collection method, which was set to collect IoT node data by providing an efficient deployment and mobility of multiple UAV, used to collect data from ground internet of things devices in a given deadline time. In the proposed method, data collection was done with minimum energy consumption of IoTs as well as UAVs. In order to find an optimal solution to this problem, we will first provide a mixed integer linear programming model (MILP) and then we used a heuristic to solve the time complexity problem. The results obtained in the simulation results indicate the optimal performance of the proposed scheme in terms of energy consumption and the number of used UAVs

    A cluster based object oriented service discovery and advertisement proposed for MANETs

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    A Resource management is one of the important services that are offered in any network. Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a gathering of mobile wireless nodes that are located in dynamic network with unnecessary using pre-existing infrastructure all mobile nodes which are free for any movement to any side and they are less network. This network is going ahead to zero configurations that would create some problems in mobile computing. There are variety limitations in Ad hoc network that need to be considered among design and implementation for it. This paper is concerned with the hybridization of object oriented method and agent to manage computing in mobile Ad hoc networks. The proposed approach causes the network load and latency to be decreased. Since the amount of communication messages is a vital issue in MANETs, also a strategy is introduced based on moving service advertisement from application layer to routing layer to reduction of network traffic. It's expected that the proposed resource management method reduces the latency, overhead and energy consumption in MANET

    Hybrid Hierarchical Approach For Addressing Service Discovery Issues In MANETS.

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    Management of Mobile Ad-hoc Net works (MANETs) is very difficult, because the movement of nodes is unpredictable, frequently changing the topology of the network Consequently, Service Discovery (SD) in the network a perquisite for efficient usage of network resources, is a complex problem

    Survey And New Approach In Service Discovery And Advertisement For Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.

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    Service advertisement and discovery is an important component for mobile adhoc communications and collaboration in ubiquitous computing environments. The ability to discover services offered in a mobile adhoc network is the major prerequisite for effective usability of these networks. This paper aims to classify and compare existing Service Discovery (SD) protocols for MANETs by grouping them based on their SD strategies and service information accumulation strategies, and to propose an efficient approach for addressing the inherent issues

    Routing Strategy for Internet of Vehicles based on Hierarchical SDN and Fog Computing

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    تم اکتشاف الحوسبة الضبابیة لحل مشكلة نقص المصادر في مستشعرات إنترنت الأشياء (IoT) ومعالجة المهام بسرعة. انترنت المركبات (IoV) هو تطبيق خاص من شبكات إنترنت الأشياء التي تتكون من أجهزة استشعار غير متجانسة موجودة في المركبات. تقوم هذه المستشعرات بنقل المهام إلى خوادم الحوسبة الضابية التي تعالجها وتعطي الإجابات للمستشعرات.  على اي حال، فإن حركة المركبات تؤثر على عملية تسليم هذه الاجابات. عندما تخرج السيارة المصدرة للمهمة من مجال خادم ضبابي معين خلال وقت معالجة هذه المهمة، فأنه لن يتم وصول الاجابة لتلك السيارة بشكل صحيح. لذلك، يحتاج إلى حساب المسار الأمثل لتلك السيارة. تتسبب هذه العملية في تجاوز الموعد النهائي للمهمة وتقليل الإنتاجية. للتغلب على هذه المشكلة، يقدم هذا البحث معمارية هرمية مبنية على الشبكات المعرفة بالبرمجيات (SDN) وحوسبة الضباب لشبكة IoV. تتألف هذه المعمارية من طبقة سيارات IoV, بيئة حوسبة ضبابية ووحدات تحكم SDN شبه مركزية ووحدة تحكم SDN  مركزية. علاوة على ذلك ، تم اقتراح إستراتيجية توجيهية تسمى إستراتيجية توجيه ذات تأخير جيد بالاعتماد على الحوسبة الضبابية و ال SDN لشبكات ال IoV (DRSFI) .تقوم وحدات التحكم SDN بتنفيذ DRSFI لحساب المسارات مع أدنى تأخير مع الأخذ بنظر الاعتبار قيد النطاق الترددي المتاح وموقع وسرعة المركبة. من نتائج محاكاة سيناريوهات مختلفة مع سرعات حركة متنوعة وعداد مختلفة من المهام، استنتجنا أن النظام المقترح أفضل من نظام IoV-Fog-Central SDN  ونظام IoV-Fog من حيث متوسط التأخير من البداية إلى النهاية و النسبة المئوية لخسارة الحزم والنسبة المئوية للإرسال الناجح.The fog computing is invited to solve the lack of resources problem in the sensors of Internet of Things (IoT) and handle the tasks quickly. Internet of Vehicles (IoV) is a special application of IoT networks that composed of heterogeneous sensors that are found in vehicles. These sensors transfer the tasks to the fog servers that process them and give the responses to the sensors. However, the mobility of vehicles effects on the delivery operation of responses. When the source vehicle of a task exited from the domain of some fog server through the processing time of this task, the response will not be reached to that vehicle correctly. Therefore, it is need to compute the optimal path to that vehicle. This process causes exceeding the task deadline and decreasing the throughput. To overcome this issue, this paper produces a hierarchical architecture based on Software Defined Network (SDN) and fog computing for IoV networks. This architecture consists of IoV vehicles, fog computing framework, semi-central SDN controllers and central SDN controller layers. Moreover, a routing strategy is proposed called Delay-Efficient Routing strategy based on SDN and Fog computing for IoV (DRSFI). The SDN controllers perform DRSFI to compute the routes with minimum delay with taking into consideration the available bandwidth constraint and the location and speed of the vehicle. From the results of simulation of different scenarios with various mobility speeds and various number of tasks, we concluded that the proposed system is better than IoV-Fog-central SDN system and IoV-Fog system in terms of average delay from end to end, percentage of packet loss and percentage of successfully transmission. &nbsp

    An Incentive Mechanism for Cooperative Data Replication in MANETs - A Game Theoretical Approach

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    Wireless ad hoc networks have seen a great deal of attention in the past years, especially in cases where no infrastructure is available. The main goal in these networks is to provide good data accessibility for participants. Because of the wireless nodes’ continuous movement, network partitioning occurs very often. In order to subside the negative effects of this partitioning and improve data accessibility and reliability, data is replicated in nodes other than the original owner of data. This duplication costs in terms of nodes’ storage space and energy. Hence, autonomous nodes may behave selfishly in this cooperative process and do not replicate data. This kind of phenomenon is referred to as a strategic situation and is best modeled and analyzed using the game theory concept. In order to address this problem we propose a game theory data replication scheme by using the repeated game concept and prove that it is in the nodes’ best interest to cooperate fully in the replication process if our mechanism is used

    High Load Control Mechanism for SIP Servers

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    To start voice, image, instant messaging, and generally multimedia communication, session communication must begin between two participants. SIP (session initiation protocol) that is an application layer control induces management and terminates this kind of sessions. As far as the independence of SIP from transport layer protocols is concerned, SIP messages can be transferred on a variety of transport layer protocols including TCP or UDP. Mechanism of Retransmission that is embedded in SIP could compensate for the missing packet loss, in case of need. This mechanism is applied when SIP messages are transmitted on an unreliable transmission layer protocol like UDP. Also, while facing SIP proxy with overload, it could cause excessive filling of proxy queue, postpone increase of other contacts, and add to the amount of the proxy overload. In the present work, while using UDP as transport layer protocol, invite retransmission timer (T1) was appropriately regulated and SIP functionality was improved. Therefore, by proposing an adaptive timer of invite message retransmission, attempts were made to improve the time of session initiation and consequently improve the performance. Performance of the proposed SIP was implemented and evaluated by SIPP software in a real network environment and its accuracy and performance were demonstrated

    MPKMS: A Matrix-based Pairwise Key Management Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Due to the sensitivity of the Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) applications and resource constraints, authentication and key management emerge as a challenging issue for WSN. In general, various approaches have been developed for the key management in WSN. This paper has come up with a new robust key pre-distribution scheme using random polynomial functions and matrix. This new proposed scheme significantly increases the storage efficiency and provides resilience to network against node capture by using random prime numbers, polynomial functions and matrix properties. The effectiveness of the scheme is demonstrated through a security analysis and comparison with the existing schemes